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Commonwealth Registry of Nurses  

Home Healthcare, Private duty home care, elder care


Awarded " Certificate of Approval" for clinical proficiency from the American Registry of Medical Assistance 1994-1998.
Member of the Easthampton, Northampton and Amherst Chambers of Commerce, Business and Professional Women of Hampshire County and Women Business Owners Alliance.
We are members of the Home Care Alliance(HCA)of Massachusetts.
Home healthcare, Private duty home care, elder care

Commonwealth Registry of Nurses, Inc.

Christine A. Moriarty is the Registry Owner/Director of Nursing Services. She has 35 plus years nursing experience, including Medical, Surgical and Geriatric Nursing and as a Clinical Nurse Manager/Coordinator, Home Care Case Manager, Visiting Nurse and Nursing Supervisor. Her advanced studies include Clinical Geriatric Management, Geriatric Pharmacology, Aging, Legal Studies/Professional Ethics of Nursing and Home Care. She was the  weekly columnist, for five years , in the Holyoke Sun, “Healthy at Home”, that covered issues of interest to elders, their friends and families.  Guest columnist for the  Health Care Compendium and Prime Times magazine.  Commencement Speaker for Allied Health  Services and Vocational Programs.

Home healthcare, Private duty home care, elder care

​​ What makes Home care from Commonwealth Registry right for you?



When a loved one needs nursing care, you may be faced with decisions you are not qualified to make:

How much care is necessary and for how long? Is our home suitable for the needs of the convalescent?

Can it be adapted to facilitate home heath care- without too much inconvenience to the rest of the family?

Are the services covered by insurances or Medicare going to be enough for the patient and our family?

Before you can make these decisions you need more information.

We offer FREE Needs Assessments to help you

make those decisions.

At the initial meeting, we will visit your home,

offering suggestions to make it more comfortable and efficient for convalescent care.


We will discuss the patient's needs and

medical history, then propose a plan of care to meet your unique needs.


Once we decide to work together,

we begin medical record documentation

and work with the Physician and any other health care professional involved

to help you organize your own care needs.


    Contact us at:

    Commonwealth Registry of Nurses, Inc.

    PO BOX 11

    OFFICE # (413) 527-2527 or (413) 345-3710
    Serving the Pioneer Valley and surrounding areas:
     Hampshire, Hampden, Franklin and Berkshire Counties
     Adams,Agawam, Amherst, Ashfield, Belchertown, Blandford, Chesterfield, Cummington,
    Deerfield, East Longmeadow, Easthampton, Florence,
     Feeding Hills, Granby, Granville, Greenfield, Hadley, Hampden, Hatfield, Haydenville, Holyoke, Huntington,
     Lee, Leeds, Lenox, Millers Fall, Montague, North Amherst, North Hatfield, Northampton, Northfield, 
     Pittsfield, South Deerfield, South Hadley, Southampton, Southwick, Sunderland, Turners Falls,
     West Hatfield, West Springfield, Westfield, Whately, Williamsburg, Worthington. 
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    Home Healthcare, Private duty home care
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